5 Essential Home Security Hacks Every Oxford Resident Should Know

As Oxford’s leading Locksmith Oxford service, MB Locksmiths has encountered a wide array of home security needs. Whether you own a historic house in North Oxford or live in a modern apartment in Headington, we’ve helped countless residents enhance their property’s security. Today, we’re sharing our top tips to help you secure your Oxford home like a pro.

Table of Contents

πŸ”‘ Upgrade Your Lock Cylinders

Many homes in Oxford still use standard lock cylinders, which can be vulnerable to lock-snapping. By upgrading to anti-snap cylinders, you can greatly improve your home security. These high-security locks are designed to break in a specific way if forced, keeping the door secure. As an experienced Locksmith Oxford provider, we can quickly and affordably upgrade your locks without needing to replace your entire door hardware.

πŸͺŸ Secure Your Windows

Windows are often the weak link in home security, particularly in Oxford’s older properties. Consider these tips to secure them:

  • Install sash jammers on wooden windows or additional locks on uPVC windows.
  • For ground floor windows, use security film to add extra protection, making it harder for intruders to break the glass.

πŸ“± Smart Home Integration

Oxford may be known for its history, but it’s no stranger to modern technology. Smart home security is a game-changer when it comes to keeping your home safe. With smart locks, you can:

  • Control and monitor access to your home remotely.
  • Grant temporary access to guests or service providers.
  • Receive notifications when your door is unlocked.

As your local Locksmith Oxford expert, MB Locksmiths can help you choose and install a smart lock system that suits your needs and integrates seamlessly with your existing home automation setup.

πŸ—οΈ Don’t Forget About Key Control

In a university city like Oxford, where properties frequently change hands, key control is essential. If you’ve recently moved into a new property or are concerned about who might have a copy of your keys, consider having your locks rekeyed. This changes the internal configuration of your lock, rendering old keys useless without needing to replace the entire lock.

🌳 Secure Your Garden

Oxford homes often boast beautiful gardens, but these can provide cover for intruders. To ensure your garden is secure:

  • Install motion-sensor lights near entry points.
  • Secure garden tools and ladders in a locked shed or garage.
  • Consider planting thorny shrubs beneath ground-floor windows to create a natural deterrent.

πŸ› οΈ Bonus Tip: Regular Maintenance

Even the best security systems need regular maintenance to function properly. Make it a habit to regularly check your:

  • Locks
  • Hinges
  • Door frames

Look for signs of wear or damage, and if anything seems off, call a professional Locksmith Oxford service like MB Locksmiths for a security check-up.

Informative Video

At MB Locksmiths, we’re committed to helping Oxford residents feel safe and secure in their homes. Whether you live in a Victorian terrace in Jericho or a modern flat in Cowley, these tips will help you create a safer environment. If you have any questions or want a professional security assessment of your home, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Your peace of mind is our top priority, and we’re here to help you navigate the world of home security in Oxford.

For more information or to schedule a security check-up, contact MB Locksmiths today!

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